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Zenfinity Apothecaria

Red Romance Floral Dragon Blood White Sage

Red Romance Floral Dragon Blood White Sage

Regular price $8.00 USD
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4" Dragons Blood White Sage mixed with Rose Petals + Sunflowers

Dispel Negative Energy



Cultivates Love

Amplifies Manifestation

There are many reasons why you should smudge your home and space. If tension, sadness, nervousness, anger, etc. is lingering in the air, smudging can help banish negative energies to reset your space to a positive or neutral space. Also, if your home feels noticeable dirty or muggy, smudging can take over 95% of airborne bacteria out of the area. Use this sage for smudging rituals to cleanse your home, yourself, and any other important areas in your life.

This unique blend of organic Dragons Blood White Sage mixed with Rose Petals and Sunflowers is perfect for those who want to purify their space while enjoying a sweet and floral aroma. The White Sage is known for its cleansing properties and is often used in smudging rituals to clear negative energy. Meanwhile, the Rose Petals and Sunflowers add a touch of beauty and grace to the blend.

How To
Hold Sage Bundle at a 45 degree angle and ignite. Let burn for a few seconds. When the fire is mostly out, wave the smoke around your home while thinking peaceful and happy thoughts. Make sure the smoke reaches all corners. When you are finished, place the Sage in a fireproof bowl with the lit tip facing down. It will put itself out. To lengthen burn time, gently blow on embers.

Benefits of Smudging :
Dispels Negative Energies
Cleanses the Air
Calming Aroma
Improved Sleep
Enhances Intuition
Improves Mood
Boosts Energy Levels

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